2015 ~
01 Developed SAMSUNG Electric condenser performance test equipment control system
02 Developed Usung chemical produce line control system
03 Developed chamber robot control system
03 Developed ALD evaporator control system
04 developed remote total flow monitoring system
05 developed press sensor 100CH test control monitoring system
06 developed motor coil test control monitoring system
06 developed Hydroelectric power plant alarm monitoring system
07 Developed Si gas produce filling system
07 developed warehouse monitoring system
08 Developed Si gas produce control system
08 Developed Korea Package network relay control system
09 developed Glass produce chamber monitoring system
10 Developed Hanhwa Chemical R&D Center chemical control monitoring system
01 Developed LG-Hausys UPS monitoring system
02 Developed vibration sensor monitoring system
03 developed thermistor tester control system
04 developed Korea SMT bonding equipment MES interface system
05 Developed Hanhwa Chemical R&D Center chemical pilot plant control system
06 developed Vietnam LGD Cell Aging Loader/UnLoader control system
08 developed Heesung Metal produce control system
09 developed motor stuffing produce management monitoring system
09 developed Bar-Code tester control system
10 developed Aekyung R&D Center chemical pilot plant control system
11 developed remote flow control system
11 developed Posco activated carbon production control system
12 developed electric blinds management control system
01 Developed vibration sensor management system
02 Developed 64-ch pressure Auto Test system
03 Developed Korea SMT Paju Product line MES interface system
03 Bio-mess zero line control system
04 development Water purification plant system
05 Developed gas mask dryer temperature & humidity control system
06 Developed Si gas produce control system
07 Developed Hanhwa Chemical R&D Center chemical pilot plant control system
08 Developed cigarette filter hardness measurement monitoring & interface system
09 Developed Unico chemical activated carbon control system
10 Developed KIER boiler co2 abatement control system
11 Developed KEPRI Performance evaluation of activated carbon control system
12 Developed temperature sensor tester control system
01 Developed SAMSUNG Electric acrylic binder produce control system
01 Developed SIP Module Auto Test M/C system
01 Developed remote steam flow control system
03 Developed Vibration control system
04 Developed motor tank automation system
04 Developed thermistor Auto Test system
06 developed Remote two-way monitoring system
08 Developed Catalyst production line control system
08 Developed condenser Auto Test system
09 Developed multi-user temperature & humidity monitoring system
10 Developed remote-multi steam control / monitoring system
11 Developed emergency generator remote monitoring system
12 Developed graphene produce line control system
2010 ~ 2014
01 Developed Pressure Monitoring System
02 Developed Digital Thermistor Checker
03 Developed ZOA 130 Purification Column Plant
03 Developed Refinery water treatment process system
04 Developed Vacuum distillation tower chemical control system
05 Developed HCI restoration reaction system
07 Developed Analog monitoring system
08 Developed Remote steam monitoring system
09 Developed O3 status check monitoring system
09 Developed Flow Monitoring Service system
09 Developed Oil Gasifler Pilot Plant system
10 Developed Bonding work process management system
10 FMService training(30person)
12 Developed remote bi-directional steam monitoring system
05 Developed multi (50ea) fire source process monitoring system
06 Developed remote steam monitoring system
06 Developed HVPE system
07 Developed SEFA Builder Plus2
07 Developed steam control system
07 Developed remote pump / tank lever control system
07 Developed flow monitoring system
08 Developed remote bi-directional steam monitoring & in-company system interface
08 Developed HVPE System
10 Approved venture company
10 Institute R&D center
11 Developed pressure control monitoring system
12 Developed water treatment system
12 Developed Digital Thermistor Checker
01 Developed WEB base steam monitoring system
05 Developed Chemical combustion reaction control system
06 Developed ERP linked Product automation / control system
07 Developed FTP base temperature & humidity monitoring system
08 Developed Vacuum distillation tower chemical control system
09 Developed Multi (robot, temperature, MFC, GAS, LEAK Pressure) control system
09 Developed Motor ROTOR Final-test control system
10 Developed Oil paint process control system
10 Developed Glass Powder product control system
12 Developed Medical equipment product control system
12 Developed Flow meter monitoring system
02 Developed AUTO Clave system
03 Developed Distillation Column system
04 Developed Multi OVEN temperature monitoring
06 Developed JungleBox system
08 Developed FM702SM system
11 Developed Fire source remote test system (WEB base)
01 SEFA Builder Plus Copyright registration
05 Standard electronic court system contract
05 Statistical processing of food poisoning occurrence system
06 Developed AxSYS analyzer interface system
2009 ~ 2002
01 Corporate conversion (Fine Soft – SEFA Technology Co.,Ltd)
01 Change Product Name (DMS -> SEFA Builder Plus)
02 Join Software Corporation
06 Developed Temperature & Humidity Sensor & Controller
07 Patent “Auto monitoring system & method”
07 Patent “Protocol analysis System & method”
08 Developed “2Inch Water Transfer Auto Control System”
09 Developed “Halt High Resistance Tester System”
04 Developed“Volt Auto-test vision system”
07 Select of “ Product automation System” Supporting Company
07 Developed “HMI Tool” (DMS)
08 Developed “HVPE System”
10 Developed “LLOS System”
10 Developed “POP System”
04 Developed “Leak detection control System” WEB Version
08 Developed Network protocol analysis Program “SPYCom”
01 Developed “Leak detection control System”
12 Developed Network protocol analysis Program
01 Establish “Fine Soft”
2015 ~
01 Developed SAMSUNG Electric condenser performance test equipment control system
02 Developed Usung chemical produce line control system
03 Developed chamber robot control system
03 Developed ALD evaporator control system
04 developed remote total flow monitoring system
05 developed press sensor 100CH test control monitoring system
06 developed motor coil test control monitoring system
06 developed Hydroelectric power plant alarm monitoring system
07 Developed Si gas produce filling system
07 developed warehouse monitoring system
08 Developed Si gas produce control system
08 Developed Korea Package network relay control system
09 developed Glass produce chamber monitoring system
10 Developed Hanhwa Chemical R&D Center chemical control monitoring system
01 Developed LG-Hausys UPS monitoring system
02 Developed vibration sensor monitoring system
03 developed thermistor tester control system
04 developed Korea SMT bonding equipment MES interface system
05 Developed Hanhwa Chemical R&D Center chemical pilot plant control system
06 developed Vietnam LGD Cell Aging Loader/UnLoader control system
08 developed Heesung Metal produce control system
09 developed motor stuffing produce management monitoring system
09 developed Bar-Code tester control system
10 developed Aekyung R&D Center chemical pilot plant control system
11 developed remote flow control system
11 developed Posco activated carbon production control system
12 developed electric blinds management control system
01 Developed vibration sensor management system
02 Developed 64-ch pressure Auto Test system
03 Developed Korea SMT Paju Product line MES interface system
03 Bio-mess zero line control system
04 development Water purification plant system
05 Developed gas mask dryer temperature & humidity control system
06 Developed Si gas produce control system
07 Developed Hanhwa Chemical R&D Center chemical pilot plant control system
08 Developed cigarette filter hardness measurement monitoring & interface system
09 Developed Unico chemical activated carbon control system
10 Developed KIER boiler co2 abatement control system
11 Developed KEPRI Performance evaluation of activated carbon control system
12 Developed temperature sensor tester control system
01 Developed SAMSUNG Electric acrylic binder produce control system
01 Developed SIP Module Auto Test M/C system
01 Developed remote steam flow control system
03 Developed Vibration control system
04 Developed motor tank automation system
04 Developed thermistor Auto Test system
06 developed Remote two-way monitoring system
08 Developed Catalyst production line control system
08 Developed condenser Auto Test system
09 Developed multi-user temperature & humidity monitoring system
10 Developed remote-multi steam control / monitoring system
11 Developed emergency generator remote monitoring system
12 Developed graphene produce line control system
2010 ~ 2014
01 Developed Pressure Monitoring System
02 Developed Digital Thermistor Checker
03 Developed ZOA 130 Purification Column Plant
03 Developed Refinery water treatment process system
04 Developed Vacuum distillation tower chemical control system
05 Developed HCI restoration reaction system
07 Developed Analog monitoring system
08 Developed Remote steam monitoring system
09 Developed O3 status check monitoring system
09 Developed Flow Monitoring Service system
09 Developed Oil Gasifler Pilot Plant system
10 Developed Bonding work process management system
10 FMService training(30person)
12 Developed remote bi-directional steam monitoring system
05 Developed multi (50ea) fire source process monitoring system
06 Developed remote steam monitoring system
06 Developed HVPE system
07 Developed SEFA Builder Plus2
07 Developed steam control system
07 Developed remote pump / tank lever control system
07 Developed flow monitoring system
08 Developed remote bi-directional steam monitoring & in-company system interface
08 Developed HVPE System
10 Approved venture company
10 Institute R&D center
11 Developed pressure control monitoring system
12 Developed water treatment system
12 Developed Digital Thermistor Checker
01 Developed WEB base steam monitoring system
05 Developed Chemical combustion reaction control system
06 Developed ERP linked Product automation / control system
07 Developed FTP base temperature & humidity monitoring system
08 Developed Vacuum distillation tower chemical control system
09 Developed Multi (robot, temperature, MFC, GAS, LEAK Pressure) control system
09 Developed Motor ROTOR Final-test control system
10 Developed Oil paint process control system
10 Developed Glass Powder product control system
12 Developed Medical equipment product control system
12 Developed Flow meter monitoring system
02 Developed AUTO Clave system
03 Developed Distillation Column system
04 Developed Multi OVEN temperature monitoring
06 Developed JungleBox system
08 Developed FM702SM system
11 Developed Fire source remote test system (WEB base)
01 SEFA Builder Plus Copyright registration
05 Standard electronic court system contract
05 Statistical processing of food poisoning occurrence system
06 Developed AxSYS analyzer interface system
2009 ~ 2002
01 Corporate conversion (Fine Soft – SEFA Technology Co.,Ltd)
01 Change Product Name (DMS -> SEFA Builder Plus)
02 Join Software Corporation
06 Developed Temperature & Humidity Sensor & Controller
07 Patent “Auto monitoring system & method”
07 Patent “Protocol analysis System & method”
08 Developed “2Inch Water Transfer Auto Control System”
09 Developed “Halt High Resistance Tester System”
04 Developed“Volt Auto-test vision system”
07 Select of “ Product automation System” Supporting Company
07 Developed “HMI Tool” (DMS)
08 Developed “HVPE System”
10 Developed “LLOS System”
10 Developed “POP System”
04 Developed “Leak detection control System” WEB Version
08 Developed Network protocol analysis Program “SPYCom”
01 Developed “Leak detection control System”
12 Developed Network protocol analysis Program
01 Establish “Fine Soft”